It’s that moment that every Daddy dreads. Your little girl tells you that she’s all grown up now and wants to go on holiday with her friends. You’ve seen it coming for years so you acquiesce with a slightly sickening feeling in your tummy.
So imagine the plight of one group of parents when their little angels and princesses went on a two-week bar-hopping holiday in Malia.
It started well but by the end of the first week the girls had all fallen out. Was it over boys, outfits or was the drink to blame? It doesn’t really matter. Some girls wanted to come home early, some girls didn’t want to fly with other girls and one didn’t want to come home at all!
We sorted it out and re-arranged all the flights while the parent’s torn their hair out!
So that’s us. I’m sure they are attractions to sitting up all night trawling through the internet or dealing with some distant call center but it beats us! It can’t be price because we can match the genuine offers out there.
If your holiday is important to you, it’s important to us.
The next time you are booking a holiday why not give us a try. After all, it’s what you say that really matters.