Portugal was one of the few countries on the UK ‘Green List’, a destination which has been approved by our government as safe to travel to without the need to quarantine on the return.
However, Green doesn’t always mean go. In this case, Portugal is currently under a ‘State of Calamity’ (essentially similar to our tiered lockdown measures), which yesterday were extended to 30 May. Entry for the British will be allowed from Monday, 17 May – as long as everyone entering has a negative Covid PCR test taken within 72 hours of arrival.
With Porto now confirmed as hosting the Champions League final on 29 May, it had been reported that fans would only be allowed to go for the day (difficult given the time of the match), and would have to follow the standard protocols.
Unfortunately, it could be the case we have similar situations through the summer, with some countries imposing restrictions when our government allows travel.